Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring is in the Air

As Winter drops it's last flakes of snow on the ground (here's praying!) one can feel Spring begin to nudge it's way in...This weekend was absolutely beautiful- weather was in the mid-60's, sun was shining and baseball finally came to Boston! The month of March was good, but busy. We celebrated Dave's birthday the first weekend. We enjoyed a fabulous dinner at Coppa in the South End, a concert at Sculler's Jazz Club and the thought of a future weekend on the Vineyard (one of my presents).

The next week we unfortunately had to say goodbye to friends, Emily and Joe. Emily got an amazing job opportunity out in Denver and they moved mid-March. We're excited for them, but sad for us. They did throw a spectacular going

-away party at the Black Rose however and we did one last night of wings at Harrys!

Since then we've both been busy with work, work and more work! Luckily we have much to look forward to these next few months. We have 3 Red Sox games scheduled, we'll be cheering Dave's sister Cara on as she runs the Boston Marathon, we're headed to Portland for Easter, NYC at the end of the month, my parents are coming in May, vacations to the Vineyard, GSHI and California this summer and two very important weddings (with groomsman and bridesmaid responsibilities)!!!

Hope all is well with everyone- until next time...Auf Wiedersehen!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 Thus Far...

Well hard to believe that we're
already halfway through the second month of 2011. This year's already been jam packed with work and fun. We spent one
fun-filled weekend in Chicago touristing around the city, eating
delicious food and hanging out with old friends (Nate and Jessie). We also went to the top of the Willis Tower (even though it was freezing and cloudy the views were awesome!). We made it out just in time- the next day the mid-west got hit with a huge blizzard...too bad we got the snow one day later in Boston:(

The next weekend was more relaxing and made amazing by the fact that the Packers won the Super Bowl! WORLD CHAMPIONS!!! This will be one of the highlights of Adrian's year for sure.

The very next weekend we decide to escape the city and headed up to Portland for a few days, followed by a very romantic and relaxing weekend in Portsmouth, NH. We stayed at Wentworth by the Sea (free room upgrade) and had a fantastic three course V-Day dinner to
celebrate. The next day we walked around the town (so cute) and took a tour of the Red Hook Brewery- basically everyone on the tour got their own pitcher of beer. Good way to end a weekend.
We're hoping to take it easy this weekend and then welcome friends Robyn and Andrew up the last weekend of February. Thought it's still cold, there is something in the air....I swear the groundhog's right- spring's coming early this year!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Busy Fall

Well it's been awhile since our last post and I figured it's as good a time as any to provide an update to life of Davrian. This Fall has been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. We were lucky enough to have the chance to appreciate a bit of an Indian Summer here in New England. The weather stayed sunny and warm through September- allowing for some premium exploring days. We had annual passes to both the Aquarium and the Museum of Science and were determined to get as much use as possible out of those passes! That also forced us to explore Boston a bit and try some new restaurants and shops- Oh I how I love Bo-Yo.

October brought some changes at work for Adrian. Early in the month a new position of Assistant Director of Admissions and Visitor Services was created. I applied for the job and after a few nerve-wracking weeks waiting for a answer I finally got the good news- the job was mine! The job allows me to work more closely with current students- my favorite part of my previous position and a direction I want to move in in the future. I still get to do work with admissions, but also student the best of both worlds!

October also brought about our annual Fall-Foliage trip. We settled on Acadia National Park in Maine. Even though Dave grew up in Maine he'd never visited the park and we'd heard such good things about it- they were all true! The park is beautiful. We camped at Blackwoods for 2 nights; exploring Bar Harbor (and the Atlantic Brewing company), hiking Precipice, Beehive and Orange&Black, checking out Cadillac Mt. and relaxing at Sand Beach. The colors were amazing and I can't wait to see where our Fall Foliage Trip takes us next year!

October was over before we knew it and November flew by just as fast! We celebrated our 4th anniversary the second weekend in November with a luxury weekend at The Stone House in Little Compton, RI. The Inn was absolutely perfect as was the weather. It was a balmy 70 degrees and we spent as much time outside as possible.

A week later we met up with friends, Joe and Emily to take in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (of course Adrian had to re-read all 7 books to prepare for the movie)- both of us were impressed. Then just a few days following that we headed up north for Thanksgiving in Portland. We ate, shopped, drank, watched football and slept- it was a fabulous break. Now we're in the thick of planning for Christmas. Yesterday we got and decorated our tree and next weekend we're hosting a bunch of friends for our Christmas Cocktail party- We are looking forward to celebrating the season with everyone.

Until next time...all the best.

Dave and Adrian (Davrian)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Summer is Winding Down...

The end of Summer is upon us, but the weather is still cooperating nicely. We had a beautiful weekend touring around Boston and are headed to Fenway tonight for a Red Sox v. Rays match up.

Friday, June 4, 2010


perhaps the worst feeling in all the human condition is that of regret. We all know it well; when you look back at your past. When you ponder the mistakes you feel you have made throughout your life. When you think, what could have been? You daydream through scenarios of the better life you would have lived if you had turned left here, if you had agreed to that then, if you had only accepted that outcome without pushing for more. We all feel the tinge of regret, and it can be a dangerous emotion to the fragile human psyche.

One regret I often think of came about five years ago when I was a junior in college. I was studying abroad the second semester of my senior year in the United Kingdom. The university system in england consists of a weekly course load and then a final exam taken at the very end of the year. The exams counts for 100% of one's grade in most cases and since all the year's exams are taken during the same period, they are scheduled over the course of about two months. The exams for the most advanced classes are at the beginning of this period while the exams for freshmen come at the end. As a result, older students get out of university earlier than their freshmen counterparts. I took freshman american studies for an easy a and was stuck in England till midsummer. Subsequently, staying out of the country that spring cut into the time I usually spent working in the summer. This severely damaged my finances going into my senior year of college and to this day makes me feel like I lost so much potential by missing out on half that summer of work!

The regret of that decision, to take an easy class and end up with a late exam, still pains me to think about... but I try to fight this feeling as hard as I can. Rewriting you past, even if it is just in your mind, puts a sliver of doubt into your cognizance of the present. By delving into the fatal possibilities of our past, even if a fantastical day dream, we start to question the validity of the here and now. In doing so, we take for granted the advantages we do have.

Live without regret

Monday, May 17, 2010


Spring has arrived in Boston and we have been taking full advantage. I wanted to move out of California to experience seasons and have realized that with the changing of such seasons you appreciate nice weather so much more! This past weekend we headed out with a bunch of friends to Georges Island off the Boston coast. It was a fun-filled Sunday with bbq, beer and basking in the shadow of the Civil War's Fort Warren.

We've were also able to get away for some camping up in the White Mountains.

We have a lot to look forward to this summer, including trips to D.C. and NYC later this month. Oh, how I love this time of the year!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The longest month

April is almost over and I can't wait. Working in admissions April is absolute madness. All of the thousands of admitted students all over the country have been admitted to their colleges and are now trying to make up their minds about where to spend the next 4 years of their lives...
My patience with whiny students and ungrateful parents is running thin as the month concludes and I am literally counting down the days until May 1. But besides the craziness that this month has been I am really enjoying my job. My one year anniversary with Northeastern will be in August and I can't believe this year has flown by as quickly as it has.

In the future: Dave and I will be travelling back to our old stomping grounds (D.C.) for a long weekend in the next couple of weeks and are very excited to check out the old neighborhood. We will be catching some Nationals games, throwing back some brews at C.P.s and hanging out with Dave's sister, Cara and her bf, Will. I'm going to make him hit up at least one museum and possibly Arlington cemetery if it's nice. If anyone in D.C. wants to hang out with us over May 22-25 let me know!